Booting vs Towing

Why Boot?
Booting provides an effective way of dealing with parking violations for many reasons.

Towing often leave vehicles damaged. Booting provides a cost-effective and time-saving solution when compared to towing.

Because booting keeps the vehicle on-site, it’s free from damage, theft of personal items, or any additional expense to the violator to locate the vehicle. The immobilization “booting” device in addition to its already safe regard has a protective cover, further protecting the wheel and its rim.

Advantages of Immobilization

  1. The mere presence of a booted vehicle aids in the deterrence of those potential violators contemplating parking illegally – thus creating and preserving more available spaces for prospective patrons.
  2. Uniformed attendant–(equipped with vests and badges) – the importance of their presence:
    1. An attendant is there to immediately greet the violator and explain violation
    2. Booted Vehicle never left unattended
    3. Mere presence of uniformed attendants deters likelihood of crime
    4. Provides the feeling of security with a safer environment
    5. Prevents -the theft of contents inside vehicles (feel assured your belongings are safe while you shop)
    6. Deters -theft of contents inside client’s store
    7. Deters loitering and vandalism – removes panhandlers, and prevents potential drug dealing
  3. Convenience – a quick departure
    1. Pay right there on-site, cash or credit card
    2. Balance dues are given to those that demonstrate the inability to pay or the elderly who are most likely to be released for no fee
    3. Violators wait safely in their own vehicle amidst all weather conditions
  4. Vehicle not removed &/or relocated
    1. No possibility of damage
    2. No transportation expenses
    3. No entering of vehicle
    4. There is no stress or loss of time locating of where vehicle is possibly towed or stolen
  5. Mistakes and/or releases by client easily remedied – rarely occurs
    1. Clients have last say in any and all matter
    2. Medical emergencies or broken-down vehicles
  6. Policies are not set in stone -courtesy time limits can be set
    1. Policy can be tailored to client’s needs
  7. Booting fee is 25% less than towing fee – Towing only accepts cash
    1. No storage fees
    2. No size or weight limit fees
  8. Attendants salaries – no motivated booting
    1. Attendants are paid an hourly salary
    2. Not commission driven
  9. Word of mouth spreads – people learn
    1. More spaces available means more revenue generated

Disadvantages of Towing

  1. Vehicle is dragged off the property -no information left at the site of where and/or why it was taken
    1. Guess work as to vehicle whereabouts
    2. Owner has no idea if car was stolen or relocated by city or private company-need to make many phone calls (time consuming)
  2. Driver is not in uniform – no interaction with attendant for plea
    1. Tow company not responsible for missing items inside vehicle
    2. Tow company not responsible for damage to vehicle during tow
  3. Inconvenience – troublesome ordeal
    1. Trudge down to tow yard in a most likely unsavory neighborhood
    2. Wait in the cold or heat
    3. Consumes hours of violators time
    4. Cash only
  4. FEE 25% more than Boot – hidden fees
    1. Storage fees assessed
    2. Transportation fees down to tow yard
    3. Additional fees are assessed according to size and weigh
    4. Car sold if not picked up in allotted time
  5. Mistakes and/or releases by client – a hassle to rectify
    1. Client has to take time out of busy day to call tow company and explain, then and if car returned, damages and time can become responsibility of client
    2. Loss of customers
    3. Really time consuming for both< /li>
  6. Tow drivers work on commission base
    1. Aggressive spotting and towing
    2. Motivationally driven by financial interest

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